State of the Union Shiny App

The last three United States presidents have reputations related to their word choices. Would visualizations of their State of the Union Addresses show large differences in the types of words they used? I made an interactive Shiny app to answer this question.


  • Find and download transcripts of SOTU Addresses for Trump, Obama, and G.W. Bush
  • Write code to make static wordclouds from these speeches
    • Define a function to mine the text, filter out simple words like “the” and “a,” and generate a wordcloud
    • Apply the function to each presidential speech
  • Design the shiny app
    • Users select the presidential address and wordcloud parameters
    • The app creates the chart based on those parameters
    • A “submit” action button initiates action from the server
  • Code and deploy the app


  • R


Link to shiny app
Link to Github repo